Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Symbol: Bqs
Atomic Number: 247
Atomic Weight: 550

Element 247 is a chemical element, number 247 on the periodic table. It is the first known example of a stable transuranic element occurring in nature, and contains 550 nucleons.

This element became known to Federation science in 2371, when it was discovered by the starship USS Voyager in the ring of a gas giant in the Delta Quadrant. The element was formed as a by-product of the decomposition of Vhnori bodies, deposited on the ring asteroids through subspace ruptures.

Potential applications of element 247 included ultra-thin reactor shielding and probes capable of entering the core of a star. However, the Voyager crew elected not to mine the element, out of respect for the Vhnori deceased. (VOY:"Emanations")

It is unclear if the Voyager crew or Federation scientists ever got around to naming this element. According to present day scientific notation for undiscovered elements, this already has a name -- "Biquadseptium," and also has a placeholder periodic symbol, "Bqs."