Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha


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A list of episodes where we see an alternate timeline. For a list of episodes where we see a parallel universe see Parallel universe episodes. For a list of episodes that feature actual travel through time see Time travel episodes.

Star Trek: The Original Series

Episode Time Periods Cause Effects

Star Trek: The Animated Series

Episode Time Periods Cause Effects
"Yesteryear" 2269, 2239 Death of Spock as a child Amanda Grayson has died, Thelin became USS Enterprise's first officer

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Episode Time Periods Cause Effects
"Yesterday's Enterprise" 2366 USS Enterprise-C went through a temporal rift in 2344 Federation embroiled in long war with Klingons

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Episode Time Periods Cause Effects

Star Trek: Voyager

Episode Time Periods Cause Effects
"Non Sequitur" 2372 Timestream Harry Kim did not join USS Voyager, Daniel Byrd joined instead
"Year of Hell" 2374 Krenim weapon ship Numerous incursions
"Year of Hell, Part II" 2374 Krenim weapon ship Numerous incursions

Star Trek: Enterprise

Episode Time Periods Cause Effects