Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Kyril Finn, in 2366

The Ansata (of Rutia IV) were a political seperatist group, located on the western continent of the planet.

Since 2296, the people of the western continent have been using terrorism to get the Rutian government to listen to their requests.


Ansatan Inverter

In 2366, the Ansata were lead by Kyril Finn, a devoted terrorist. During this year, Finn and his cell abducted Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Doctor Crusher from the Enterprise-D in an attempt to draw the Federation into the conflict on this planet.

By 2366, the Ansata had become more and more of a threat to Rutian society. They had developed folded-space transport technology (using a device known as the inverter) to instantly transport themselves anywhere without leaving a trace. This device was later discovered to be the cause for an illness the Ansata were suffering from.

Their attempt to capture the Enterprise officers was initially very sucessful; the Enterprise had no defences against the various folded-space transport incursions. However, further analysis of the data collected onboard and on the surface of the planet revealed the location of the inverter, and Finn's cell.

It is not known whether the Ansata are still in operation, since the death of Finn, and the presumed removal of the inverter device when Finn's cell was taken over by the Rutian police.


TNG: "The High Ground"
