Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
File:Bajoran Phaser, Resurrection.jpg

A Bajoran phaser

File:Kira with Bajoran phaser.jpg

Major Kira with a Bajoran phaser in its holster

The Bajoran phaser was the Bajoran Militia's standard issue sidearm. In the mirror universe it was called a disruptor pistol. (DS9: "Resurrection")

In 2369 Major Kira Nerys and two Bajoran security officers were armed with Bajoran phasers when they returned to the moon Jerrado and remove Mullibok, Baltrim, and Keena by force. Mullibok asked Kira if she planned to use this weapon and Kira answered "Protocol". (DS9: "Progress")

The same year Major Kira and two Bajoran officers used Bajoran phasers to take control over ops while all participants were affected by the Saltah'na energy spheres. (DS9: "Dramatis Personae")

See also




Kira Bajoran Phaser

Kira fires a Bajoran phaser in the video game DS9: The Fallen

Kira's character used a Bajoran phaser in the video game Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - The Fallen.

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