Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

A bulkhead is a wall-like partition in a starship used to aid structural integrity.

Bulkheads are numbered and divide a ship into separate parts to help keeping its rigidity. Bulkheads in Starfleet vessels built in the 24th century are made from a tritanium alloy and can be reinforced with shields to enhance the ship's overall structural integrity. (VOY: "Repentance")

In case of structural failure, a bulkhead can be beamed away and temporarily replaced by a force field. (TNG: "Schisms")

Jadzia Dax claimed she could hear Kor snoring through the bulkheads of the USS Rio Grande in 2372. (DS9: "The Sword of Kahless")

Elim Garak had "a sudden and somewhat violent encounter with a bulkhead" when the USS Defiant was attacked by the Dominion early in the war. (DS9: "A Time to Stand")


See also
