Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Caldos colony is a Federation colony and is one of its first terraforming projects. It is located on Caldos II in the Caldos system, approximately 200 light years from the Sol system. (TNG: "Sub Rosa")


The founders of Caldos wanted to make the colony an accurate replica of Scotland on Earth. The cornerstones of each building were brought from different towns and cities in Scotland, and the architecture and even dress of the residents resembled that of Scotland. Citizens were not limited to Humans, however. The governor of the colony in 2370 was Maturin, an unidentified alien species. The colony was settled sometime prior to 2270, when its weather modification network was installed.

The name was probably derived from the Latin "Caledonia" meaning "Scotland"


Howard family home

Felisa Howard and her granddaughter, Beverly Howard, called Caldos their home since at least 2350. The house was a two-story cottage, with only a few technological amenities.

A line cut for time implies Beverly did not leave Caldos for good until she married Jack Crusher in 2348, which would mean she probably lived there many years beforehand as well.

The graveyard

The graveyard was located a few minutes from the Howard home and sixteen kilometers from the center of the colony. Felisa was buried here upon her death in 2370. Other citizens buried there included last names of Vader and McFly.

These names were probably meant as no more than in-jokes, yet they were visible on several tombstones.

Weather control substation

Although the colony overall resembled Scotland of the 1600s, there were still several pieces of modern technology hidden throughout the colony. Such areas included the weather control substations, where the planet's weather modification network could be maintained. The station's control interfaces were similar to those found in late 23rd century starships.

