Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha


Cover image.
Authors: Mel Gilden
Publisher: Aladdin Paperbacks
Series: Pocket DS9 Young Adult #9
Published: 1 March 1997
Pages: 128
Year: 2370
Stardate: Unknown
Reference #: ISBN 0671511165

Jake and Nog deal with a replicating Cardassian Moop toy.


From the book jacket:

Jake and Nog are looking for action - in all the wrong places. They've played all the family holosuite games - and the adult games are strictly off-limits. So when Garak, the only Cardassian on Deep Space Nine, suggests a trip to the unknown depths of Level 45, they're ready to go. When they arrive on the musty, abandoned deck, they find a funny Cardassian toy that says "Moop" when activated. And then they discover the replicator button on the toy. Perfect! They can replicate enough "Moops" for a baseball game. But suddenly the figures that stand before them are as tall as Nog - and they're replicating themselves!

Excerpts of copyrighted sources are included for review purposes only, without any intention of infringement.


Jake Sisko
Elim Garak

Other Editions

This novel was also published in library binding hardcover by Sagebrush in October 1999 (ISBN 061304682X).

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Pocket DS9 Young Adult
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Space Camp