Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Chech'tluth is an extremely potent Klingon alcoholic beverage that looks to be smoking. Worf served a cup of chech'tluth to the Bringloidi leader Danilo Odell in 2365, after Odell found replicated whiskey to be lacking. (TNG: "Up the Long Ladder")

Chech'tluth: A Potent Klingon alcoholic beverage that just about knocked an experienced tera'ngan drinker on his can with one gulp. It is distinctive for the smokey vapors that boil over the edge of the Hivje', and can be obtained from Federation replicators. ("Up The Long Ladder" [TNG])

Here is another possible hazard to consume, the vapors in the episode were probably created by using dry ice, which despite being exteremly cold, can burn, I HIGHLY recommend that you talk to your supplier about safe handling of dry ice.

Chech'tluth Ingredients 1 Shot Bourbon 1 Shot Bourbon, Seagrams Seven 3 Shots Gin 4 Shots Soda 1 Shot Soda Peppermint Schnapps 1 Shot Soda Walker Red Label 1 Pinch Cinnamon, Powder


My suggestions for making this beverage steam involve using a fresh (read "brand new") food safe sponge or a tea strainer (minus handle) to trap the dry ice at the bottom of the cup. If using a sponge, cut it larger than the bottom of the cup, along with small holes to allow the vapors to escape without allowing the ice to accidentaly be consumed. The sponge would be pressed in over the top of the cup after the dry ice has been placed inside. Then the liqueurs would be added.

Add all of Ingredients in order. Drink... Carefully.

