Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
"Selling out their own world for a profit. Collaborators... Not even a Ferengi would do that." -Odo

A collaborator is an individual who is, almost always, willing to serve or sympathize with the people who conquered their lands. For this, they are often hated by their own.

During the Occupation of Bajor, several Bajorans served as Cardassian collaborators. These collaborators either served the Cardassians directly, or provided the Cardassians with information on the Bajoran Resistance.

Kevin Uxbridge was suspected of being a collaborator after the whole Delta Rana IV colony was destroyed by the Husnock and only the Uxbridges' house was spared. (TNG: "The Survivors")

In 2365, a Bajoran chemist named Vaatrik, who lived on Terok Nor during the Occupation, served as a direct link between Gul Dukat and at least eight Bajoran sympathizers. (DS9: "Necessary Evil")

Bajoran "comfort women" were also often accused of being collaborators. (DS9: "Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night")

In his war against the Dominion's occupation of Cardassia, Damar initially refused to attack any Cardassian guards, but ex-resistance fighter Kira countered that they were collaborators, and needed to be seen as such. (DS9: "When It Rains...")

Known Bajoran collaborators

Known Cardassian collaborators

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