Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha


Knifing through space, the mammoth starship, Enterprise, continues her five-year exploration of the universe... Her mission: peaceful contact with alien life-forms...


To follow...

Log Entries

  • Captain's log, star date 20:0605 - Enterprise carrying out exploration in Alpha Helios System. So far, no indication of life...
  • Captain's log, star date 20:0902 - Orbiting alien planet. Exploration team ready to teleport to surface...
  • Captain's log, star date 20:1507 - We have returned to Zargot with the herbs. Dr. McCoy working with aliens...

Memorable Quotes

"Sufferin' starships!"

- Kirk, reacting to the destruction of a Zargotian vessel

"We've made a quick examination. His sickness was unknown to man - it could affect us!"

- Dr. McCoy, the best there at what he does

"We'll report hourly on radio-tv hookup!"

- Kirk, before beaming down

"Get aboard! But don't drop those herbs!"

- Kirk, setting priorities


  • This story must occur in 2266 because McCoy and Bailey are both on board.
  • Spock uses an antique microphone to communicate with other parts of the ship.
  • The Zargotian vehicles resemble the bikes from Akira.
  • The Space Wagon appears to launch from the underside of the saucer section. The craft is controlled with a steering wheel.


Regular Cast

Other Characters
