Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Forums ForumsTen Forward → Background info and sources (replywatch)

I believe that giving sources for the trivia found in the Background information sections should be more encouraged. It is harder, I find, to spot false information in trivia (you'll probably go "ah, I didn't know that", and move along), and it is more difficult to verify than the usual facts. If we read that during the entire filming of All Good Things... Patrick Stewart wore pink furry slippers whenever the frame did not catch his feet, who's to say this is false? Should not such an encouragement to cite sources more often be input into guidelines? --Liberlogos 07:33, 12 July 2006 (UTC)

You mean he didn't where pink furry slippers during filming? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Say it ain't SO!!! Anyways, yeah, I think you're right...; Memory Alpha:Cite your sources should also specify citing sources for bg info. --From Andoria with Love 07:52, 12 July 2006 (UTC)
Yes, please. I have been going through background notes for TOS (eventually I hope to get to every series and movie, right about when I die), and I have been trying to clean up those background sections. Unfortunetly, without the ability to confirm information, I can only remove notes that simply don't belong, or re-write the terribly written. I would love it if I could confirn them as well. --OuroborosCobra talk Klingon Empire logo 11:50, 12 July 2006 (UTC)