Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Forums ForumsTen Forward → Double click a page to edit - annoying? (replywatch)

I recently noticed an "ondblclick" attribute on the body tag of all articles which results in redirecting the user to the edit page, should they double click the article.

Personally, as I read lengthy passages and scroll up/down, I frequently double-click content (being the idiosyncratic Trekkie + nervous programmer that I am). I also highlight text in amusing patterns during this nervous process, but that's another story.

Therefore I personally find this annoying, and am curious if anybody else does. If enough people agree that it's either annoying, or completely unnecessary, I hereby petition to have this behavior removed. --Buster Kincaid 21:17, 2 February 2007 (UTC)

P.S. - I have just realized this behavior only occurs for users that have not logged in. Strange, but still annoying as I don't always log in. --Buster Kincaid 21:23, 2 February 2007 (UTC)
