Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
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I was wondering where the source page for this was, as I was curious to how it is formated.(I am working on a wiki project myself, and look at various formats/codes to make my own). Does anyone know where it is? this is all I can find

{{Colored Panel|Edit|#222}}

Thats obviously not the source page...right?--Terran Officer 08:20, 8 January 2007 (UTC)

The code for any template {{XYZ}} is located at a page [[Template:XYZ]] - in this case, Template:Colored Panel. The actual resulting content of the template call above is combined from that page and another template call there which uses the first variable ({{{1}}}="Edit"), to transclude another page, Portal:Main/Panels/Edit. -- Cid Highwind 10:13, 8 January 2007 (UTC)