Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Forums ForumsTen Forward → Generic article names (replywatch)

Since there hasn't been a lot of feedback on the Cardassian Guard and Romulan Guard talk pages, I thought I'd generalize the discussion away from those pages and start it here, since we have exactly the same problem in both cases, so there is no real need to discuss it twice anyway. Hopefully, more people will be able to contribute this way.

The point of contention is that certain users do not mind making an assumption that particular terms such as Cardassian Guard or Romulan Guard are names of the respective military services, even though there is no proof in the episodes that these apply to the entire military services (and the Encyclopedia doesn't portray them as such either). I propose using safe and totally generic designations such as "Cardassian military" and "Romulan military", since MA doesn't have the license to make creative leaps, only to document the facts as stated in the canon; however, for whatever reason, those articles are still titled Cardassian Guard and Romulan Guard, and we need to move this forward in order to prevent further spread of information that isn't strictly derived from the canon.

Hopefully, we can come to the conclusion that accuracy overrides formality, that the in-universe style of using formal names is not as important as making sure those names are absolutely accurate - when we have proof, as with "Starfleet" for example, we can use formal names, but otherwise we shouldn't sacrifice accuracy for the sake of formality. – NotOfTheBody 19:01, February 22, 2010 (UTC) – ~~
