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Someone check this, but I believe Nicole is the bikini clad dancer on married with children-ship happens-episode one. Could be wrong but sure looks like it to me. The preceding unsigned comment was added by

I cannot check the episode but I doubt it. The MwC episode was filmed in 1994 and aired in early 1995. de Boer almost only appeared in Canadian productions throughout the 1990s and at this time received credit for her acting work as she was not a "no name actress". Married with Children was filmed in Los Angeles. Tom (talk) 17:02, September 1, 2014 (UTC)

If the OP means the cutie in the blue bikini who waves at Al through the porthole. No that's not DeBoer. Similar hairstyle but that's about it. 21:51, September 2, 2014 (UTC)

I wonder if it the same background performer with short hair who people think is Nicole in seasons five and six of DS9? de Boer herself had long hair till DS9 and grew it out directly after. Lt.Lovett (talk) 19:40, September 15, 2014 (UTC)