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In my ongoing project to improve and standardise the various soundtrack articles, I have reached the articles relating to the films. And here I run into a bit of a problem.

For the first ten films, the soundtrack pages include what is described as an "Overview", but is, in reality, a review of the score - see an example at Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (soundtrack). Whilst they are well written and interesting, they don't really fit with an article about the soundtrack as a piece of merchandise. I'm trying to figure out quite what to do with them, and I wonder whether they would fit better in the articles for the films themselves. The trouble is, as I say, they read more like a review than an encyclopaedic discussion of the score.

Any suggestions? -- Michael Warren | Talk 12:34, April 14, 2014 (UTC)

If we can cite the reviews to something/someone, then I'd say that they'd be worth keeping, likely in the film's article under "soundtrack" (or something as such). If they're unable to be cited, they should be removed. -- sulfur (talk) 12:41, April 14, 2014 (UTC)

Going through the history, these sections appear to have been created by User:Deevolution, and a Google search of the text suggests they are not taken from anywhere (MA is the unique hit). -- Michael Warren | Talk 12:58, April 14, 2014 (UTC)
