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In several instances of your articles, you have references to the TV-show Futurama. Unfortunately for us, you link to Wikipedia, while we are fully confident that our wiki ( is the most well equipped Futurama wiki out there. We are about to start linking to your wiki instead of Wikipedia for Star Trek information (something Futurama often parodies or references). So it would be nice if we could link both ways.

Regards, Svip of The Infosphere, 13:59, 19 December 2008 (UTC)

I am patient enough to wait a little for a response, but a little respect of response would have been appreciated. I am asking you for this "partnership" for the sake of your readers. You provide your readers with high detail information about Star Trek, without compromising, so do we, just about Futurama. I fail to understand why your readers cannot be provided with the same amount of high detail information, just because it isn't your gig. This is not for us, this is not for you, this is for the sake of yours and ours readers. --Svip 21:24, 1 January 2009 (UTC)

Well, for what it's worth, we have really only one section for Futurama on MA, and maybe two links that go to WP that could go to Infosphere, but if you want to link the specific episode titles, be our guest. Keep in mind, however, thatthere has even been some discussion on future relevance of having said information (somewhere, not sure off the top of my head, TFS brought it up I think). All in all, it's a pretty confined topic here and not as big an issue as I think is being made here.--Alan 21:46, 1 January 2009 (UTC)
I would not be surprised if it wasn't such a big issue, I am not trying to make it one. But I did supply with a search link for Futurama mentions on your wiki, which are supplied in articles often not that obvious. I am just asking for the willingness of the community to provide links to our wiki rather than Wikipedia on certain links, where we would provide a more efficient description of the subject at hand for the same reasons Wikipedia cannot provide detailed information on some Star Trek related things. Notability. However, I thank you for your response. --Svip 03:31, 2 January 2009 (UTC)