Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

A Bajoran Hasperat

Hasperat is a well-known spicy Bajoran food resembling a burrito. It is made using a specially-prepared brine, which if made correctly will cause the eyes to water and sear the tongue.

Ro Laren was fond of hasperat, as was Maquis leader Macias. Ro recalled that her father made the spiciest hasperat she'd ever tasted. Hasperat was served at a buffet aboard Deep Space 9 in 2372 in honor of Lenara Kahn and her team. (TNG: "Preemptive Strike"; DS9: "Rejoined", etc.)

Tekeny Ghemor served Kira Nerys some hasperat he replicated for her, telling her "it's only good when it's warm." (DS9: "Second Skin")

Another method of serving hasperat is in a hasperat souffle. (DS9: "Sacrifice of Angels")

When Kadi ambassador Tomin spent time aboard Voyager in 2375, one of the more flavorful foods he wanted to try was hasperat, which Neelix gladly prepared for him. (VOY: "Someone to Watch Over Me")
