Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Kava is a Bajoran plant and a versatile foodstuff. The plant has at least three edible parts: its fruit, roots, and nuts.

Additional uses of kava include:

  • Kava rolls were typically served as a breakfast item. Kira Nerys, on one occasion, ordered a kava roll with her raktajino. (DS9: "Resurrection")
The term kava has remained rather ambiguous throughout its many spoken references.

Kava fruit

Kava fruit is the primary ingredient of kava juice and springwine. (DS9: "Penumbra")

Kava root

The kava root is quite valuable as well. There is a Bajoran folktale where three brothers who discover a large kava root are almost torn apart by their greed. (DS9: "Starship Down")

Also See: Kava nuts
