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You may be looking for the prime universe Leonard McCoy.

Leonard McCoy was a Starfleet officer serving in the 23rd century.


Early life

McCoy was born to David McCoy in 2227. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint", Star Trek III: The Search for Spock)

This event predates the timeline alteration, and so does not differ from the prime universe.

Following his divorce from his wife in 2255, McCoy chose to enlist in Starfleet, despite his aviaphobia. He and James T. Kirk meet for the first time onboard the shuttle for Starfleet Academy's new recruits. He tells Jim that his ex-wife got "the whole planet" in the settlement, and that all he has left is his "bones". At this point, McCoy's medical training was complete.

Starfleet Academy

File:Leonard McCoy, 2258.jpg

McCoy aboard the Enterprise.

McCoy spent three years at Starfleet Academy, befriending Kirk in the process. He thought Kirk was mad for undertaking the Kobayashi Maru test three times, but was surprised with Kirk's solution during the third attempt.

During the hearing on Kirk's actions, a distress call was received from Vulcan. All cadets, including McCoy, but with the exception of Kirk, who was under academic suspension for his role in reprogramming the Kobayashi Maru test, were immediately activated for duty. McCoy was assigned to the USS Enterprise as a medical officer. Out of sympathy for his friend, McCoy induced a medical condition in Kirk in order to smuggle him on board the Enterprise. He replaced Doctor Puri, the Enterprise chief medical officer, when Puri was killed in battle. He voices his extreme displeasure towards Spock on several occasions, referring to him as a "green-blooded hobgoblin", a "pointy-eared bastard", and arguing with Spock over the decision to maroon Kirk on Delta Vega as a result of Kirk's disagreement over Spock's plans for handling Nero's threats against the Federation. In spite of his obvious support of Kirk, he is still vocally incredulous when Kirk becomes Acting captain of the Enterprise following Spock's resignation, crying out "You've gotta be kidding me!" when his friend sat in the Command chair. (Star Trek) Template:EnterpriseChiefMedicalOfficers

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