Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Musical instruments are found on many different planets. They can be divided into string instruments, wind instruments, percussion instruments and mental instruments. Wind instruments can be further subdivided into woodwind instruments and brass instruments.

String instruments

Treble clef

Treble clef in musical notation

As the name implies, these instruments possess strings that need to vibrate in order to produce sound. This can be achieved by either plucking the strings, drawing a bow across them or striking the strings with a hammer. Human instruments belonging to this group include guitars, kitharas, violins, mandolins, cellos and pianos. The Vulcan lute also belongs to this group.

Wind instruments

Wind instruments consist of a tube containing a column of air which is set into vibration by the player blowing into it. Instruments belonging to this group include trombones, trumpets, clarinets, oboes, bagpipes and the Ressikan flute.

Percussion instruments

These instruments are played by being struck (by hand or with sticks or mallets) or shaken. Instruments belonging to this group include drums, bells, chimes, and also the Algolian musical instrument , Bajoran rattle and cabasa.

Mental instruments

Enaran musical instrument

The Enaran musical instrument is played with the tips of the fingers.

These instruments are played or controlled by thought and usually by a touch of the hand. The Aldean musical instruments and Elanin singer stones belong to this group. Another such instrument is the Enaran musical instrument. Such an instrument is played while held in the lap. Its surface is manipulated with the tips of the fingers, producing a harp-like melodious tone.

List of musical instruments

See also

Unknown instruments

Paris instrument

A glass-tube instrument

Quarks instrument

An alien instrument in Quark's

An early script of "Emissary" described this instrument as a "strange triple keyboard"; in later scripts it was only called "strange instrument".

External links
