Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Star Trek New Worlds, New Civilizations is a colourful novel book describing the whole career of a single scientist who has travelled the entire area of space controlled by the Federation. She has visited most Federation outposts, and made many discoveries.

The book sorts these places into four different sections, Fire, Air, Earth, and Water. The four elements. The book is made by Pocket Books, and the main author is 'Michael Jan Friedman', and contributions are made from:

Thom Ang, Dru Blair, Andre Bormanis, Doug Drexler, Tim Earls, Phil Hale, Sonia Hillios, Brian Horton, Alan Kobayashi, Paul Lee, Dave McKean, John Mueller, Jon J Muth, George Pratt, Greg Spalenka, Jamie Tolagson, John VanFleet, James Wang, and Kent Williams

In the main cover, it reads 'For DeForest Kelley'


New Worlds, New Civilizations.
