Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Cover image.
Author: Howard Weinstein
Publisher: Pocket Books
Series: Pocket TNG
Published: May 1989
Pages: 273
Year: 2365
Stardate: 42422.5
Reference #: ISBN 0671677144

Commander Riker and the Enterprise crew struggle to help a Federation ally regain control of their lives - and their world...


From the book jacket
Sent to deliver emergency famine relief to the Planet Thiopa - the Federation's only allies in a critically important sector of space - the crew findsa a brutal dictatorship - one more concerned with preserving its own powers than protecting its citizens, or the world they share. Captain Picard is hesitant about turning over the supplies to the corrupt government: he fears they may never reach their intended destination. But can he convince the ruling council to change their ways, before its too late - for the government, and Thiopa itself?

Excerpts of copyrighted sources are included for review purposes only, without any intention of infringement.


Counselor Troi, Captain Picard, and Commander Riker are in the latter quarters listening to classical music when the captain recieves a priority code communication from Starfleet Command. Picard is informed by Captain Kimberly Schaller that the planet he is headed to, Thiopa, is under pressure from the Ferengi to join their alliance. He is warned the the Ferengi may also attempt to steal the humanitarian cargo the Enterprise is bringing to Thiopa.

Chapter 1

Captain's log - Stardate 42422.5
The Enterprise is two hours away from the Thiopan star system on what has become a dual purpose mission. We are responding to an urgen request from Thiopa's planetary government for Federation assistance in dealing with a critical drought and resultant food shortage. The Tiopans have only recently disengaged from a long-standing association with the despotic Nauran Imperium. And now Starfleet has informed us that the Ferengi Alliance has designs on this sector. It is hoped our convoy of food and other desperatly needed supplies will not only alleviate Thiopa's crisis but will also give the Federation a chance to establish formal ties with the planet before the Ferengi can take advantage of the chaotic situation.

With the Enteprise still en route to Thiopa, the Captain reminisics about his first tour of the Enterprise, guided by his Oktonian escort, Lieutenant Snephets.

He is called to the bridge when a a group of Nauran starships attack the Enterprise and the cargo ships it is escorting. The Naurans are able to destroy one of the five unmanned ships before being chased off by the Enterprise.

The Captain is then contacted from sickbay by Ambassador Frid Undrun, a Federation specialist assigned to the Thiopan aide mission. The captain is scolded by Undrun for allowing some of the much needed supplies to be destroyed.

Chapter 2

In Ten Forward, Ambassador Undrun sits alone, facing aft, away from the magestic outer windows of the lounge. Guinan offeres him a drink - a syntheholic version of Kinjin wine. The Ambassador notes the synthehol is probably the only good thing the Ferengi have contributed to the galaxy. Undrun explains to Guinan that he doesn't face the windows because spaceflight makes him queesy. He goes on to say that he envies Captain Picard and Commander Riker for having the skills neccessary to run a starship. He explains that he is somewhat underqualified as an ambassador - that he was trained as an ecologist - something this mission required due to extensive pollution on Thiopa.

In the Observation lounge the senior staff discuss the upcoming mission. Data explain the despotic Nauran Imperium made contact with the then-early-industrial Thiopans several years ago. When Thiopa's new leader, Ruer Stross, came to power the relationship grew. In exchange for technological advancements - the Nauran's plundered the planets natural resources and polluted its oceans and atmosphere. The Thiopans have apparently kicked out the Nauran's and asked for Federation assistance to rebuild their homeworld. Data also informs the Captain the Nauran's have set up several slave-labour camps nearby Thiopa.

Counselor Troi explains that the Naruans are extremely different than humans. They are completely motivated by self-gain, and have very little understanding of the consequences of their actions - something Troi speculates their brains may be incapable of.

Captain Picard dismisses his staff, but Troi asks to stay behing to speak with the Captain and First Officer. She says she has sensed fear and a lack of self-confidence in Ambassador Undrun. The captain suggests they proceed with caution - keeping an eye on the Ambassador.

The Enterprise reaches scanning range of Thiopa. On the bridge, Wesley reports that Thiopa is extremelly polluted. Data describes the situation as analogous to a critically ill patient. The Captain wonders what would cause a people to allow their planet to be so badly damaged before taking action against the ones causing it.

Chapter 3

On Thiopa, Lord Ruer Stross, the dictator of Thiopa, is being fitted by his tailor, Supo, for an outfit to wear to his anniversary feast . He is impatient and stubborn, refusing to help Supo in any way. Stross is also quite glutonous - he insists on having another snack, something Supo refuses to allow - citing that he will not be able to fit into the outfit just tailored.

A mysterious and uncanny women enters the room. Her name is Ayli, and she is a shadow reader - someone supposably able to predict the future based on the flicker of lights against a wall.

Ayli warns Stross that he may not be able to achieve his goal of Fusion - to have all of Thiopa united before his death. He sees this as a gift to his people, but believes he can only achieve it when all of Thiopa's differences have been made null. He wishes for everyone to speak the same language and have the same culture. His goal however, is opposed by the Sojourners - a group of Thiopan's resistant to Stross' leadership. They began with only philosophical opposition twenty years prior, but have recently, under new leadership, began using violence to accomplish their tasks.

Ootherai, the Minister of Policy, and Stross' close advisor enters. He warns Stross that the Sojourners, and their radical leader Lessandra, will attempt to use propoganda to sway the Enterprise's views on Stross. He worries that if the Federation finds out about the Sojourners, they may withold the much needed supplies - or worse, give them to the Sojourners. Otherai and Stross agree that any Sojourner sympathizers should be rounded up and arrested until after the Enterprise leaves.

Background Information

  • In Chapter 1, Data makes reference to a ship travelling at Warp 11.
  • This book was written when the producer's were still attempting to make the Ferengi into a major villain - as such they appear much more sinister and powerful than on television.

Memorable Quotes


Jean-Luc Picard
William Riker
Deanna Troi
Katherine Pulaski
Geordi LaForge
Wesley Crusher
Beverly Crusher
Head of Starfleet Medical - she appears only briefly in a communication with her son.
The first chief engineer of the Enterprise - as recalled by Picard.
Captain Kimberly Schaller
A Starfleet Captain working at Starfleet Command.
Lieutenant Snephets
An Oktonian female with bright pink hair. She was Captain Picard's escort during his first tour of the Enterprise.
Lieutenant White
A Mission Operation Officer aboard the Enterprise.
Frid Undrun
Federation Aide and Assistance Representative born on Noxor Three. Undrun was assigned to oversee the Enterprise's mission to Thiopa.
Ruer Stross
Sovereign protector and all powerful ruler of Thiopa. His greatest wish is to see all of Thiopa united before his death.
An elederly Thiopan - tailor, valet, and assistant to Lord Stross
A mystical shadow reader, Ayli is supposedly able to predict the future based on the flicker of lights. She is a close advisor to Lord Stross.
Thiopan minister of policy. He, too, is a close advisor to Lord Stross. He is hated Ayli, something Stross counts on to ensure his two closest advisors will not conspire to overthrow him.
Leader of the Sojourners.


Ferengi Alliance
Pachelbel's Canon in D
A race with bright pink hair, and which can only speak in the form of questions. At least one serves in Starfleet.
Nauran Imperium
A powerful and despotic military dictatorship, with technology equal or superior to the Federation. They have total control over four star systems and seven inhabited worlds. The Federation's first encounter with them was in 2298 when the Naruan's attempted to conquer Beta Li'odo - a planet allied with the Federation. The USS Polaris responded, disabling one Nauran ship and preventing further attack.
USS Polaris
A Federation starship active at end of the 23rd century.
Kinjin wine
An alcoholic beverage. Guinan had a syntheholic replica of it in Ten Forward
Shadow reading
A Thiopan mystical practice where some are believed to have the ability to predict the future based on the flicker of lights against a wall. With the growth of science on Thiopa, they are no longer acceptable in public - however many still consult them in private, including Thiopa's dicatator, Lord Stross
A dissident group of Thiopans opposed to Stross' rule.
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