Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Vulcanoids are species that are similar to Vulcans.

Vulcanoid species included the Romulans, Rigelians, Mintakans, Remans, and Debrune. (TOS: "Balance of Terror", "Journey to Babel"; TNG: "Who Watches the Watchers?", "Gambit, Part I")

Some vulcanoids - Romulans and Rigelians - were susceptible to contracting Tuvan Syndrome, a degenerative and (as of 2375) incurable neurological disorder. (DS9: "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges")

The term "vulcanoid" is a construct of Memory Alpha as a convenient way to describe species similar to Vulcans. Vulcans are "humanoid" to the Federation. (VOY: "Caretaker"). Sargon's people from TOS: "Return to Tomorrow" may also be vulcanoid species; the Halanans from DS9: "Second Sight" are likewise telepathic humanoids with pointed ears.