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You may be looking for actor Richard Cox or actor Ronny Cox.

The actor known only as R. Cox has made two appearances on Star Trek: The Next Generation and one appearance on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

He first played Lt. j.g. Marquez in the sixth season episode "Lessons". The following season, he appeared in a photograph as Ensign Bruno Salvatore in the episode "Eye of the Beholder". He was not credited for this latter appearance. He appeared as Saratoga Science Crewman who navigated an escape Pod away from the exploding ship in DS9 "Emissary, Part I".

Appearances by R. Cox
Starfleet officer Marquez. Personnel file of Bruno Salvatore. Saratoga Science Crewman.
Marquez Bruno Salvatore Saratoga Science Crewman
TNG: "Lessons." TNG: "Eye of the Beholder." DS9: "Emissary, Part I."