Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Pocket VOY novels

  1. Cohesion by Jeffrey Lang
  2. Fusion (novel) by Kirsten Beyer
  3. Evolution (novel)


String Theory
String Theory is a theory that combines General relativity with Quantum Mechanics. The theory states that all matter, and elementary particles are made up of "Strings", enclosed loops of energy. Though this portion of the theory is untestable, as to see the string, you would have to blow up an atom to the size of the universe. The primary goal of String Theory is to explain all natural phenomonae, most notably the black hole, or more specifically, the singularity. The singularity is very small, but has extreme density, so both major theories come into play.
Another factor of String Theory are the multiple "Universes" (a more correct term is "dimension"), there are at least 11 dimensions. These dimensions act like, in simple terms, jello cubes Every one in a while, the dimensions collide, and wreak massive havoc on the dimensions' contents. What will prove this is the discovery of the graviton. To search for this elementary particle, Particle Accelerator Labs are colliding particles. When particles collide, they release a shower of particles. The graviton would not be detected directly, but rather through its absence. (it leaving for another dimension)

Scientific Data Source- http//superstringtheory.COM//
