Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The ship started with 3 retro-fitted phase cannons by Tucker in the 1st season, but by the 3rd season it was heavily refitted with at least 10 in 12 visually verifiable ports, but the total of 12 is the most logical assumption. Watch 3rd season episode E^2 for reference, and don't rely on heresay and faulty memory. --Atrahasis 19:04, 21 Dec 2005 (UTC)

  • Please keep your attitude in check. As I recall, that ship was over 100 years older than the standard NX class, and should be considered an exception to the rule (after decades of modification-- for survival) not the rule. --Alan del Beccio 19:12, 21 Dec 2005 (UTC)
    • Pleaae keep your attitude in check. Review the episode and you'll find that I'm not talking about the 100 year old one, but the contemporary one. --Atrahasis 19:22, 21 Dec 2005 (UTC)

I removed:

Visual inspection of the ship reveals twelve ports from which phase cannons seem to be mounted, with the NX-01 having fired from at least ten of those twelve ports throught the run of the series. The basic configuration by the third season is eight cannons mounted forward on the top/bottom of the saucer and four cannons mounted top/bottom on the souble catamaran hull. Note that this was a major modification of the orinal three cannons. (ENT: "E^2"

Obviously, Atrahasis is confusing the ship's plasma cannons seen in "Broken Bow" with the phase cannons located on the ship's ventral section. Remember, the ship does have other weapons besides phase cannons. Also, because we don't know for sure if those were phase cannons that were added during the ship's refit, calling them either phase cannons or plasma cannons would be purely speculation. --From Andoria with Love 19:16, 21 Dec 2005 (UTC)
