Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Krag, a Tanugan male

The Tanugans are a humanoid civilization residing at least on the planet Tanuga IV.

Tanugans are distinguished by their upswept eyebrows and two to three successive V-shaped ridges on their foreheads, which echo the brow line. Both genders prefer stiffly upswept hairstyles. Tanugan males have very pronounced receding hairlines and enlarged foreheads. The foreheads of Tanugan females are only slightly enlarged.

In the Tanugan system of justice, the accused were guilty until proven innocent. In 2366, this became a problem for Commander William T. Riker of the USS Enterprise-D, as he was accused of the murder of Tanugan scientist Dr. Nel Apgar. (TNG: "A Matter of Perspective")

According to the script of the episode, Tanugan males are soft-spoken, calm, and rather British in nature.

