Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

In the mirror universe, a skirmish between the USS Defiant and the ISS Avenger occured in 2155.


A few days before the skirmish, Commander Archer of the Enterprise discovered the existance of the Defiant after learning of a Tholian salvage operation. To retrieve the Defiant, he, along with Sergeant Mayweather and other members of MACO mutineed against Captain Maxwell Forrest and with the help of a Suliban cloaking device, infiltrated Tholian space, But after First Officer T'Pol, staged a double mutiny and freed Forrest from the brig.

After the Enterprise arrived in the Vintaak system, Archer led a boarding party to destroy the Defiany, but after the Enterprise was destroyed, they stole the Defiant instead.

The Skirmish

After the newly self-christened Captain Archer and his team saved the Avenger's crew from a rebel attack, Archer annoucnedh his plans to overthrow the Emperor and Starfleet because he claimed Starfleet's corrupt officrs were responsible for the [[Terran Empire][ teetering on the brink of defeat. T'Pol and Science Officer Soval, along with Phlox conspired to destroy the Defiant. as Phlox disabled the Defiant's power systems, Soval attacked the Defiant. But after Chief Engineer Tucker reactivated the power systems, the Defiant gained the upper hand and destroyed the Avenger.
