Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Captain Tryla Scott was a Human Starfleet officer and commanding officer of the USS Renegade. By the mid-24th century, she was the youngest Starfleet officer to attain the rank of captain, which made her something of a legend.

In 2364, Scott met with fellow captains Jean-Luc Picard, Rixx, and Walker Keel at Dytallix B to discuss the infiltration of Starfleet Command by neural parasites. However, Scott was subsequently infested by a parasite. While under its control, she attacked Picard and William T. Riker inside Starfleet Headquarters. Riker was forced to fire at her with a high-setting phaser blast, upon which the parasite fled her body. (TNG: "Conspiracy")

Tryla Scott was played by actress Ursaline Bryant. It is not clear if all the personnel were killed when the parasites left their bodies, as Admiral Gregory Quinn survived the ordeal of separating from the parasite, but it is clear that, on Beverly Crusher's recommendation, many of the phasers were probably on high settings.