Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

List of unnamed Brenari.

Brenari boy

Brenari boy

A Brenari boy

A young Brenari and one of twelve telepaths that Voyager helped escape the Devore Imperium, which persecuted them because of their telepathic abilities. Neelix helped comfort him and the other children by entertaining them in the mess hall with snacks and storytelling. He and the others were safely transported through a wormhole by using one of Voyager's shuttlepods. (VOY: "Counterpoint")

Brenari girl 1

Brenari girl 1

A Brenari girl

A young Brenari who was telepathic and persecuted by the Devore Imperium because of her abilities. Neelix helped comfort her and the other children by entertaining them in the mess hall with snacks and storytelling. He and the others were safely transported through a wormhole by using one of Voyager's shuttlepods. (VOY: "Counterpoint")

Brenari girl 2

Brenari girl 2

A Brenari girl

A Brenari who possessed telepathic abilities. The Devore Imperium persecuted them and wanted to jail them in a interim camp. Voyager helped her and the others escape by transporting them through a wormhole by using one of Voyager's shuttlepods. (VOY: "Counterpoint")

Brenari man 1

Brenari man 1

A Brenari man

A Brenari and one of twelve telepaths that looked to the Voyager for help in escaping the Devore Imperium, which persecuted them because of their telepathic abilities. He and the others were safely transported through a wormhole by using one of Voyager's shuttlepods following Voyager's evasion of the Devore. (VOY: "Counterpoint")

Brenari man 2

Brenari man 2

A Brenari man

One of twelve telepaths that Voyager helped escape the Devore Imperium, which persecuted them because of their telepathic abilities. Voyager managed to smuggle him and the other refugees through Devore space by suspending them in the transporter during Devore inspections. They eventually escaped Devore space through a wormhole aboard two Voyager shuttlecrafts. (VOY: "Counterpoint")

Brenari man 3

Brenari man 3

A Brenari man

He was one of twelve telepaths that Voyager helped smuggle through Devore space by hiding them in the transporter to avoid detention. The Devore Imperium persecuted them because of their telepathic abilities. They eventually escaped Devore space through a wormhole aboard two Voyager shuttlecrafts. (VOY: "Counterpoint")

Brenari woman 1

Brenari woman 1

A Brenari woman

She possessed telepathic abilities along with the other Brenari, who were persued by the Devore Imperium, which persecuted them because of their t abilities. She and the others escape the Devore by transporting through a wormhole by using one of Voyager's shuttlepods following Voyager's evasion of the Devore. (VOY: "Counterpoint")

Brenari woman 2

Brenari woman 2

A Brenari woman

A telepath that along with other Brenari telepaths were rescued by Voyager from the Devore Imperium, who want to arrested them because of their powers. She and the others escaped through a wormhole with assistance of Voyager. (VOY: "Counterpoint")

Brenari woman 3

Brenari woman 3

A Brenari woman

A Brenari and one of twelve telepaths that looked to the Voyager for help in escaping the Devore Imperium, which persecuted them because of their telepathic abilities. She and the others were safely transported through a wormhole by using one of Voyager's shuttlepods following Voyager's evasion of the Devore. (VOY: "Counterpoint")

Brenari woman 4

Brenari woman 4

A Brenari woman

She and the other Brenari telepaths were rescued by Voyager who helped smuggle them through Devore space by hiding them in the transporter to avoid detention. The Devore Imperium persecuted them because of their telepathic abilities. They eventually escaped Devore space through a wormhole aboard two Voyager shuttlecrafts.(VOY: "Counterpoint")
