Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha


Yranac was an Yridian information dealer, who spent some time doing business on the planet Dessica II in the late 2360s. He had one sister.

In 2370, he witnessed what he thought was Captain Jean-Luc Picard being vaporized with a disruptor in a local bar. Just as Yranac, for a price, was about to talk to Commander William T. Riker, who was investigating Picard's disappearance, the bartender grabbed him and told him that he had too much to drink and should keep quiet. Riker learned from Yranac that the alleged murderers had moved on to the Barradas system.

Yranac who then spent some time aboard the USS Enterprise-D for his information tried to get a shuttlecraft from Riker for further information. Riker grabbed him and pushed him againt a wall while telling him that he would extradite him to the Klingon Empire where he was wanted for several cases of fraud and petty theft if he won't share the information about the mercenaries with him. (TNG: "Gambit, Part I")

Yranac was played by actor Alan Altshuld who previously appeared as Pomet in the sixth season episode "Starship Mine".
The name Yranac is a reversal of canary, a slang name for someone who provides information.